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Remember that the dog is never deliberately disobedient. Either it hasn’t understood

- you haven’t been distinct enough or you are not interesting enough to the dog. It ignores you if you are a deficient and boring leader.

You have to look at the mirror to see exactly who has failed...

Never blame the dog......

Your dog is an angel that never makes a mistake. It is always doing its best.

To retain a good obedience from your dog it’s demanded that you have a strong and positive relationship simultaneously as the dog should see that obeying you is worth while.

Quote by Inki Sjösten


Living in Luxembourg since 1999 with my husband, son and our Labrador.

Like most people in this job I originally started by training my own dogs, some 20 years ago. I took my first dog instructor diploma at The Swedish Woking Dog Association, SBK in 1992. I became hooked and I have been training dogs since then.

I have held courses in: Puppy training, General obedience, Search, Tracking, Activity exercises, Private Training and Behaviour Consultations.

Over time I have adapted my methods to ensure that I update my techniques accordingly. I keep myself up to date with all the training methods used today by attending as many training/behaviour workshops as I can.

I firmly believe in training dogs with positive reinforcement; it simply works the best way and gives the best results. Training dogs should be fun and interesting for all parties involved.

My experience over the years has taught me that there is never to late to begin training a dog. It doesn’t matter how old the dog is, with the right tools you can  achieve tremendous results. There is never one way to teach a dog; they are all different and motivated by different things. But one thing is for certain - each dog is an individual and need to be treated as such.

Copyright © Ingrid Johansson & Lisbeth Ganer 2012 All rights reserved

Ingrid Johansson